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WaHa Resort is the right choice for anyone who is looking for the best place to relax.

Waha Resort is a luxurious holiday destination that offers an unforgettable experience amidst beautiful nature. With complete facilities, comfortable accommodation, and prioritizing digital security, our resort is ready to provide the perfect relaxation and adventure experience. Suitable for families and couples, Waha Resort ensures that every guest feels special.

first class services


Enjoy the comfort of a spacious room with complete facilities, equipped with a smart TV in the room to pamper your rest, and enjoy the calming natural scenery.

2 Bedrooms
Rp. 3.000.000,- / Night

3 Bedrooms
Rp. 3.500.000,- / Night

Bunker Room
Rp. 150.000,- / Night

Inspired by the local atmosphere

Waha Resort is the right choice for visitors who are looking for a combination of charm and a strategic location to explore the surrounding environment and enjoy the cool air of Puncak Bogor.


News & Events

Feel the warmth with joy and happiness. WaHa Resort will pamper you with very interesting events or promotions. Keep up to date with our latest news.

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